Quick Start
Made of 4 independent apps – Inspire, Chat, Notes, Reminders and Life
Start on one device and continue any other device without any download
Inspire – most of the site is dedicated to inspirational deeds. Get inspired by others' inspirational deeds, post your own, volunteer to rate the deeds, and participate in commenting.
Chat – You are worried that anyone can send you, your family, or your group unwanted texts or pics. With impact, you have full control as to who gets to access you. Requestors need to get the keyword from you for a request to contact. No phone numbers will be used. Add your name and handle in the setting to start texting. Request new contacts and create flexible groups.
Chat notification -Get notifications and count of new chats received on the shortcut (favicon). The text you sent will change from dark blue to faded blue when the receiver has read, with a red tone. The newly received text is rendered in bright yellow and will fade when read.
Chat text enhancements - use 2 to 5 exclamation cha. to color the enclosed text.
Chat text coordination - double return creates indexing. The Ack button can be used to create a list of tasks. Each task created by double return will have 4 colored states to monitor the status and finally approve.
Notes – provides voice dictation that is editable with an option for attachment and search by keywords
Reminder - you can create a single or recurring reminder – all by voice dictation in free format. The reminder can be set for a specific time or all day that fires at the local midnight. You can watch reminders for the day, tomorrow, and the next 2 days all in one place.
Reminder duration – you can also set the duration for each reminder event (meeting). Impact checks for any conflict, if any will suggest alternate time slot. You can continuously change the time and duration for an ideal choice.
Life – a web page written to improve the quality of life by following a few tips that have worked for others.
More on the impact of social products - product overview
More on the impact chat function - chat overview
More on the impact of social notes and reminders - Notes, reminder overview